Benefits of Playing Outdoors for Children - a paediatrician's perspective
5 Apr, 2023
The soothing ripples of the lake and the setting sun!
Hello Dear Moms!
How are the young ones doing today! Most importantly how are you doing today, coping well or feeling no control over life, feeling like running away from the constant demands of the household and kids or just embracing all the chaos! Whichever it is today I want to reassure you that this is just a phase and it will pass and every mom goes through these feelings while navigating motherhood especially the first time mothers. So you are not alone!
Let me tell you something about what I did this weekend, I went to a beautiful lakeside park for an evening stroll. The company of nature took my mind off things that were bothering me, complex tasks that were making me frustrated, backlogs that were creating havoc in my anxious mind and also people who were trying my patience. It all went POOF ! And so there amid the nature, gazing at the magical shiny ripples of water, the bright orange setting sun in the background and those mesmerizing flowering trees around the edge of the lake brought a sense of calm, tranquility & a much needed soothing effect that somehow influenced my anxious mind to re-frame my problems and thereby finding new inspiration and positive mindset to start anew. I felt a sense of renewed energy to face every challenge with a positive outlook.
My paediatrician mind was off course at work immediately in such an inspiring environment which led me to ponder over the amount of positive effect it can have on our little humans. So I opened my laptop and began to dig into all the research that have been conducted studying the positive effect being outdoors can have on children and here is the sum of those research & scientific studies. Hope it will inspire you to encourage your little ones to become more outdoorsy.
Both World Health Organisation (WHO) and Indian Association of Paediatricians (IAP) recommend at least 30 minutes of tummy time and other interactive play spread throughout the day and 3 hours of daily physical activity for 1-4 years old. Children aged 5-17 years should have at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity a day. Similar recommendations are made by American Association of Pediatricians and the UK government's health website as well. There is scientific evidence that playing outside improves overall health of children and children of all ages simply love it, so let us get out there more often!
Let us look at all the benefits in a point wise manner:
A healthy child is a Happy child - Playing outdoor allows children & adolescents to have a better physical health and improvement in their motor development. Safe exposure to sunlight helps to synthesize Vitamin D leading to improved bone density in children. playing outdoors is also linked with lower rates of obesity among children and lower rates of myopia (shortsightedness).
No more excessive efforts to discipline them mommies!- Research shows that when children spent time in natural settings they had less anger and aggression, impulse control also improved. Overall positive behavioural in children are linked with playing outdoors. Playing outdoors allows children to experiment with their behavioural repertoire, stimulate alternative scenarios and address various positive and negative consequences of their behaviour in a safe space.
A win-win for both Mother & Child- Curiosity, creativity and critical thinking are found to be promoted in children who spent time playing outdoors. Studies show that children who spend more time in exploring nature had improved outcomes of learning.
A Happy & Healthy Mind - Erikson (1977) proposed that play allows children to experiment with a wide range of experiences & simulates their potential real life consequences thereby making it a learning experience for life. Play may also allow for the expression of frustration and rage allowing the child to cope with environmental challenges, thereby contributing to their mental health (Sutton-Smith 2008).
We cannot set example for everything now, can we! - Playing outdoors with other children also allows to develop resilience by learning to cooperate, overcome challenges and negotiate with others. Thus enabling them to develop this important quality for a lifetime.
After going through so much material that talks about the benefits of playing outdoors I am making it a habit to go out every day, are you? Ciao Moms, see you later.
Being a health conscious person I have always been digging for answers to questions regarding diet, lifestyle and what exactly it is that makes us sick and what can we do to avoid getting sick. The answers I found are not so difficult but maintaining a healthy pattern in our daily routines is the main challenge. So my goal initially is to make people aware of what is it that makes us healthy. That is the first step to know that which makes us healthy and also to know that which makes us unhealthy. Once I achieve that I can help with the second and the third steps n so on if my readers would allow me to and help me create that opportunity. Thankyou all in advance for supporting my cause.
Homoeopathic Paediatrician with 6 years of experience. B.H.M.S. from SKRPGHMCRC under DAVV University. M.D. Paeds (Hom.) from Dr. M.L. Dhawale Institute under Maharastra University of Health Sciences. Currently a life long learner & a Practitioner of Homoeopathic Paediatrics
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